Ok,  found this scary channel called channel 666...keep watching for more!!!

part i channel 666

one time i was bored with my friend jakob, he said " hmm im bored". i press 666 on the tv remote and he get scared. "WOAH NO DONT GO THERE" but i did anyways.......

part ii: the spooky skeleton

I went to channel 666. I saw it on the TV. There was a spooky skeleton dancing. I said LOL. But then the skeleton started crying blood...and saying "my baby oooh my poor baby"...and looked at me...the skeleton crawled out of the tv (it didnt pop out because this is a REAL creepypasta...duhh...idiiot)...WHAT HAPPEN NEXT?!

part iii: creepypasta crossover extravaganza

i look around the roomm. the skeleton summons jeff the killer, slenderman, and spongebob squarepants. I looked at them. I saw jeff the killer with a knife, and he said "go to sleep" so i took a nap on the couch. but when i wake up JAKOB WAS DEAD!!! He had no eyes, and  his eyes were gone. I looked for his eyes. I put his eyes back in and he said "join us" and he started crying blood...

part iii: my girlfreind pete

i  pull out my ak47. i shoot everyone. but no one died....then jakob says "join us and be evil" i say "NO!" and I shoot them all. They all turn to blood except the skeleton. I look at her and she turns into my girlfriend. I grabbed her boobies (she didnt believe in clothes so she was naked) and happily ever after...the end...

part iiii: the next chapter

the next day we woke up. jeff the killer who had tons of bullets in his head said " go to sleep" and my girlfirend pete says "NO" but jeff killed here! I shot jeff but he didnt die. I shot him 20 times but he didn't time. I shot him one thousand times but he didnt die. Jeff said "YOUR OUT OF BULLETS" and laughed uncontraoloably. I shoot him in his laughing gut and he died in one shot.

part iiiii: zombie pete

i burried pete. and i touch her sexy boobies one last time. goodbye pete, i said. i put her in a coffin. she was dead with blood all over her. i cried. but then, pete comes back as a zombie. I say "OH NO!!" but i gave her tylenol and she turned normal. I grabbe her boobies and we went to the moon . THE END.